General Business Managing Resources with Microsoft Project Microsoft Project is the Project Management Software developed and distributed by Microsoft. Since its release, most organizations have been using MS Project for their project management needs. As more and more organizations started to do their work on a project basis, the popularity of MS Project began to grow rapidly. Patrick Stevens Microsoft ProjectMS ProjectProject Management Software 2011-04-13 499 2
General BusinessOnline Marketing How a Professional SEO Reseller Can Help Your Site If you are in the process of developing a new site or you think you want to drive more traffic to an existing one, you need to consider hiring a professional SEO reseller to do your marketing for you. While it is entirely possible for you to market your site on your own, doing so in a successful way could take years of time and effort. A simple investment in proper search engine optimization could save you a great deal of hassle and get you on your way to making money like you should. Patrick Stevens more trafficprofessional seoseoseo reseller 2011-04-07 594 12
General BusinessSocial Media The Top 5 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make on Facebook and How You Can Avoid Them Marketing your business on Facebook can be extremely rewarding and a great way to build your audience and attract new customers. It can also be a bit overwhelming if you aren’t quite sure what you should be doing, and it’s easy to make a lot of mistakes while trying to figure it out. But the good news is that many entrepreneurs have already made those same mistakes, and you can learn from them and be able to avoid making these common blunders. Let’s look at the top 5 mistakes and how you can avoid them. This will help you to move forward faster and build your Facebook presence quickly and in a way that attracts your ideal customers. Patrick Stevens attract new customersboringfacebookFacebook marketinglogosMarketingpage photopost updatesposting 2011-04-06 688 4
General BusinessWeb Development 4 Tips To Help You Secure The Ideal Contract Job The decision to work in contract jobs can be a long-term career choice, or a short-term way to secure work. Contract workers are hired to perform a certain job or task, or for a specified period of time. When the terms of engagement are completed, the contract worker is free to pursue other work. This type of arrangement may appeal to people who don’t fit into the typical employee mould, who want more work options during uncertain times, or who just want to be masters of their own destiny. Patrick Stevens contract workcontract workerIdeal Contract JobSecure the Ideal Contract JobSecure the Job 2011-03-22 1194 4
General Business Online Reputation & Brand Management Poor recommendations online can be damaging to businesses and can end up costing companies thousands of dollars in lost sales each year. One thing you need to realize as a business owner or as a marketer is that it is impossible to go onto other websites and "delete" negative reviews. Though you cannot delete feedback left by others, you can manage the content that you put out to the public while also managing the positive reviews that your company has across the internet. You can minimize the negative reviews by increasing positive reviews on more authoritative and trusted websites. Patrick Stevens brand managementgoogle alertsonline reputationrecommendations online 2011-03-16 633 3
General BusinessWeb Development Dropbox: A Great Data Backup Alternative A recent post on the Gmail blog discussed how to help prepare for a disaster with data on your local computer. The post recommended people backup their important data using Gmail and Google Docs as a measure to keep all important documents safe. However, these alternatives rely on cloud storage and Google services, which many people do not want to rely on in a bad situation. That is why Dropbox is a viable alternative. Patrick Stevens backupcloud storagedropboxGmail blog 2011-02-09 647 6
General Business Microsoft Test Bounties Creating software is no easy task but testing it and finding all the bugs is even more difficult. Many companies, including Mozilla and Google are willing to offer up to $3,000 as a bounty to anybody who brings a serious security issue with their browsers to their attention. The same cannot be said if you find a bug hidden in Internet Explorer. Patrick Stevens googlemicrosoftMozillaTest Bounties 2010-07-24 495 20