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Ungagged London 2019


An Unconventional SEO and Digital Marketing conference that presents results with real-world digital marketing concepts.

Ungagged London is a conference of SEO and Digital Marketing that is going to take place on April 1 and 2 including one-day intensive masterclasses on 3rd of April. The conference will take place at etc.Venues County Hall. The venue is located on the Southbank of the Thames. The area is filled with restaurants, bars, and pubs and it’s really easy to go there through a bus or underground links. A lot of forwarding thinking and revolutionary Digital Marketers will gather at one place to share their unrestricted knowledge and Internet marketing strategies. The purpose of Ungagged London is to provide information to intermediate and advanced digital marketers so that they can learn new industry insights to run their work and events and identify new business opportunities. The event will cover all the topics related to the Digital marketing area including link building, SEO- what is currently working and what’s not, local SEO and technical SEO, SEM- Key search Engine marketing strategies, PPC, CRO- convention rate optimization, content marketing that helps you to identify effective ways of refining content, analytics, mobile marketing, social media marketing, marketing strategies, Email marketing and GDPR ( General Data Protection Act), reputation management, Affiliate sales – the most successful maneuver to push search traffic and many more in this field. The digital marketing experts share tips, tricks and tactics of this field to help you discover new opportunities. The policy of ungagged event is “no fluff and no sales pitches.” If you are tired of hearing conventional ways of work, then this Ungagged London brings you the opportunity to hear and experience things in an unconventional way.

Digital Marketing is such a field where new strategies, technologies, and analytics are coming every single day. Ungagged Event brings together all the necessary and useful information and strategies of digital marketing at one place. You will learn all the latest actionable strategies and unfiltered advice that actually works.

Book Your Tickets For UnGagged Las Vegas 2018


UnGagged Las Vegas 2018 is a Digital and SEO Advertising Conference (and sequence of day long lessons) aimed at providing practical techniques relating to every aspect of online advertising. This includes technical SEO, CRO, analytics, link building, content advertising and affiliate advertising. The unique feature of this conference is that recording is forbidden, so presenters can explain their latest advertising methods freely and fully, without any sales pitches or padding.

Masterclass Sessions: November 7, Conference Dates: November 4 to November 6

Witness ROI in real time. Learn the latest methods and insights that top digital advertising experts won't reveal to anyone else. The unrecorded, no holds barred sessions at UnGagged, and the fantastic opportunities to network, are sure to increase your bottom line -- irrespective of what industry you operate in.

The Benefits of UnGagged

Speakers are not censored. We hate conferences that dictate to speakers what they can talk about -- rather, we are laying it all out on the line! The speakers at our event are totally free to say what they want, so you get the latest, innovative methods without any hidden agenda.

Google AMP on WordPress with the Automatic Plugin

Accelerate mobile pages are something you should setup on your WordPress site so you can serve mobile devices quick pages. The user experience will be better, users might stay longer, and your conversion rate could increase. Lets take a look at using the Automatic Google AMP plugin in WordPress.

Started by Twitter and Google, AMP is an open source standard designed to provide quicker download on mobile devices. Your content rich site probably loads too slow on a mobile device and might not look good either. With limited HTML and JavaScript, Google will cache your site on their AMP cache and deliver it directly to users.

Some positives include ranking higher in Google and a better user experience.

On negative is that limited amounts of HTML, CSS and JavaScript are available. Plugins that offer social sharing or email captures might not be available on the AMP pages. Other negatives are limited analytics integration, and advertising platforms.

With Google’s push to mobile first ranking, have an AMP site is a must.

3 Sure-fire Ways To Get More Blog Traffic


Everyone wants to drive blog traffic but it's not always obvious how to achieve that end. With billions of websites out there, how to you make people go to yours? Here are a few simple tips:

Mention People in Your Posts

No man is an island and no blogger can get traffic completely on their own (unless you want to pay a fortune in PPC prices). Therefore you need to get other people to help you share your content. One way is to write blog posts that contain contributions from other people.

Reach out to thought leaders in your vertical and ask them to help you write a post. This can be something as simple as submitting a short paragraph related to their opinion on something. Compile your post then reach back out to these folks and ask them to share the content on their networks and link to it.

Evergreen SEO Is Timeless


Evergreen SEO methods have stood strong throughout time. This is amazing feat for such a fickle method that is ruled by ever changing algorithms. Methods that once were sure fire short cuts to achieve high ranking results have fallen to the wayside. The following Evergreen SEO methods and techniques worked when they were first implemented and they keep working.

Exchanging Value

This method is also known as external links. The basic concept is simple. You provide a link to a website on your website. In turn that website will provide an external link to your website. Google has penalized this method, however, it is still widely used amongst bloggers and other social media platforms. The exchanging value exposes your website to the traffic of the other websites instead of relying on just your own organic traffic. More exposure and more traffic can equate to a higher search result rank.

Keyword Research

Research the keywords that are used by your target audience. When you find several appropriate keywords use relevant and quality content on your site that contains these keywords. Be sure to use them naturally and do not excessively and unnaturally fill your website with keywords as this will hurt your search ranking.

Ranking Your YouTube Videos


YouTube is a terrific place to promote and advertise your business. In an image driven world full of competition, videos are a great way to get noticed and to stay relevant. However, simply posting a video, on any social media site, is not quite enough. You need to draw traffic to your video so it can be seen by your target audience. This is an essential key to making sure your video is actually marketing your business and ranking your YouTube videos

A lot of research has been conducted on how to make the most effective video, get the best ranking and most views on YouTube. This research has produced a few tips on how to best optimize your videos.

Make it Brief

Try to keep your video at around three minutes. Never make a video longer than this unless it is for some type of demonstrative purpose that is impossible to make shorter.

Make Better Videos not More Videos

It is a better use of your time and will produce more views if you spend your time to make high quality videos instead of a high quantity of videos.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in 2016


Many companies ignore Search Engine Optimization because they payoff is not apparent immediately and they often do not know what needs to be done to improve their position in the search engines. But it is vital especially for new and smaller companies and there are certain factors that you can work on that will provide a lift.

The three keys to a better ranking in Google are backlinks, page speed and content. A recent study looked at 20 possible ranking factors and determined that five of the twenty were the most important. First was the number of websites that have links to yours. If the number of sites linking to you is high, Google will rank you better. This is classic SEO. It is common to think that the quality of a backlink is important. The quantity is also still very important. While getting links from similar sites is great.

What Your SEO Campaign Needs


Only advanced SEO methods produce the results that you really want. There uncommon tactics will help your site get better positioning in Google.

Use a service like Ahrefs to find sites that are linking to your competitors. You might have trouble getting page 1 competitor links but as you move further down in the results, you will find that older sites linking out to page 5+ will be willing to add your site to their set of relevant links. Send their webmaster a request to link to your new more robust content.

Info graphics still work but are getting a little overplayed. Make sure your info graphic has great data and looks incredible. Add some motion to your info graphic to get a lot more social shares and traffic back to your site.

Are You Making These 6 SEO Copywriting Blunders?

Freelance writer / critic Leonard Pierce on th...

Freelance writer / critic Leonard Pierce on the panel "Songs Absorb Conflict" at the 2008 Pop Conference, Experience Music Project, Seattle, Washington. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Are You Making These 6 SEO Copywriting Blunders?

If you’re like me, you already have. Heck, no one’s perfect. But, Google’s 2011 release of Panda (and 20 subsequent updates so far) means that the search engine focuses on quality content much more than ever before.

Because Google’s goal lies in serving the best quality search results, you can bet it will continually refine its ability to give the marketplace what it wants. What Google means by quality is much different than what an experienced freelance writer produces as a final product. But, if you pay attention to these 6 common blunders, you keep the quality of your copy at a level both Google and your readers appreciate.

How to Get More out of Google Analytics

Image representing Google Analytics as depicte...

Image via CrunchBase

How to Get More out of Google Analytics

As a website owner there's a good chance you use Google Analytics to track visits to your website. It can be a very powerful tool to get to know your website, visitors, and keywords intimately -- provided you know where to look and what to look for. Here are some top tips to getting the most out of your Analytics account. 

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