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Microsoft To Bring Android Apps To The Windows Desktop And Laptop In 2021

Microsoft To Bring Android Apps To The Windows Desktop And Laptop In 2021


Rumor has it that Microsoft is considering adding Android apps to the Windows desktop in 2021. Even though Windows PC users can install these apps in their systems through emulator apps such as Bluestacks, Microsoft's move could avail Android apps to download and run, alongside Win32 and UWP apps. Sources from Windows indicate that there are talks going on over whether it can be possible to and a runtime for Android to Windows 10. This move, if it happens, will be in time for a massive upgrade to the Windows 10 OS, which is expected in early 2021.

Windows Your Phone

The first time Microsoft adopted Android as its preferred operating system for mobile devices was in 2017 when they abandoned Windows 10 Mobile. Currently, most apps offered by Microsoft have mobile versions for Android. If you have a compatible smartphone, Microsoft allows you to run multiple apps on the desktop through the Windows Your Phone app. However, as of now, only Samsung smartphone users can enjoy this service.

Currently, the only device that can run multiple apps from different platforms is Google's Chromebook. This device can run ChromeOS, Linux packages, and Android apps simultaneously. Therefore, Windows 10 will have received a major upgrade if its users will be able to access Android apps. Adding Android apps to Windows, therefore allowing its users access to the Chrome browser will effectively make this platform a near-universal operating system.

Windows 10X

In the time being, Microsoft is said to have finally finished developing Windows 10X. This version of Windows 10 will be ready for the market by the end of this year targeting devices with multiple screens. Those who've heard the privilege to see this operating system's capabilities say that it is Microsoft's "Chromebook killer" and if its features included support for Android apps, then Windows 10X will have truly earned this moniker.

Learn Programming With A Free Code Camp

Learn Programming With A Free Code Camp


The great thing about coding is that it is done entirely on a computer or even in a web browser app. That means it is possible to learn an entire profession like programming entirely online. Going to a coding camp is cheaper to a university, and some employers prefer graduates of specific camps. To make the deal even sweeter, you can access an entirely free code camp. You will learn the basics, and some employers might take an interest.

Code Camp Advantages

In order to become a programmer, a potentially great-paying position, you first have to prove that you can code. You can build a portfolio yourself, which is the old fashioned route, or you can let a code camp build it for you with projects that facsimile real world work. All you have to do is prove you can do some programming work, and that is enough to open the door to freelance projects.

Another advantage is that it is much quicker than going to college. A university has a vested interest in keeping you there for for or more likely five years. A coding camp sticks to the subject and gives you a certificate that is perfectly acceptable to employers who just want work done. A university is more like a general prep school. A coding camp is for people who want to program.

An intensive program is for people who want to get the most out of their time. If you devote yourself to a subject and learn it intensively, then you might actually learn more than dragging out through multiple classes that do not offer direct continuity between subject matter. Why learn the basics of different programming languages when you can learn one or two that are in high demand and kick redundant lessons out the door.

There is no reason to have to do pointless work. A camp director has identified the most pertinent skills and information and has condensed it down into one program. You learn the skills that let you work in a particular field rather than trying to be a generalist and learn something specialized as an intern.

Categories vs Tags WordPress

Categories vs Tags WordPress


At first glance, there is not a lot of differences between WordPress tags and categories, but once you become familiar with them you will learn that EACH HAVE THEIR TIME AND PLACE. In this article, I am going to clear up any questions or confusion you may have about Categories vs Tags in WordPress.

Which is the Best Option for Sorting Content on Your Site?

While this may seem like a tough decision, let me make it easy for you. YOU SHOULD ALWAYS RELY ON CATEGORIES AS YOUR MAIN SORTING AND ORGANIZATIONAL METHOD because tags were never designed to be the central organizational pillar of a WordPress site.

I do like tag clouds on some websites, but I strongly prefer a well thought out category hierarchy to the haphazard nature of navigating through a wall of tags. I'm not alone in this line of thinking, so lets explore the purpose and intended use cases for tags and categories.

What Was the Original Purpose of Each Type of Taxonomy.

Categories were included in WordPress so that you can make descriptive categories that define the topic of your page or post. For example, a website dedicated to sports might have categories for football, baseball, basketball and hockey. CATEGORIES ARE MEANT FOR LARGE GROUPS OF POSTS.

TAGS WERE CREATED SO THAT YOU COULD ADD AS MANY KEYWORDS AS NEEDED TO PROPERLY DESCRIBE YOUR POST. In addition, they are also a way to insure that your post includes all the relevant search terms for the post, even if the article doesn't explicitly mention those terms in the text. Finally, they serve as one of the best ways to link related content together so that related pages and posts have a direct association through any shared tags.

How Do You Add These Items To Your Post & Site in WordPress?

YOU CAN ADD CATEGORIES AND TAGS TO YOUR WORDPRESS PAGES AND POSTS DIRECTLY FROM THE EDITOR. If you're using Gutenberg or the classic editor, you will find the Categories & Tags on the right sidebar of the editor.

Regarding displaying tags and categories on your website, that is dependent on your theme. Depending on your theme, it is generally easy to add category and tag widgets to your sidebar. Just go to wp-admin > Appearance > Widgets and then drag the Categories widget and the Tag Cloud widget into your sidebar.

How many tags should you have on each post?

Tags are for any subject covered in the post that doesn't already have representation. YOU SHOULD INCLUDE ANY TAG YOU CAN THINK OF THAT IS RELEVANT TO THE ARTICLE. Going back to our sports blog example, let say you wrote an article on the 1956 Boston Red Sox roster. You may want to add tags such as their star players Ted Williams, Jackie Jenson, and Mickey Vernon, as well as terms such as Roster, the year 1956 and any other phrase you believe may be recurring on your site.

Github Core For Free


Github, a techie's favorite software for hosting, has unveiled that its core features will now be free to all users. The platform, which hosts over 40 million users, will allow free account holders to enjoy the benefits of its core features. The company has done away with its Pro tier and divided the features between the free and team accounts.

What did the previous Github free account include?

In the past, users of the free plan could enjoy unlimited repositories, three collaborators in a private repository, and 2000 Github Action minutes per month. Furthermore, users would receive 500 megabytes of storage and automated security updates.

Which features are the same?

As was the case previously, the Github core for free account will give you access to unlimited repositories. The free account will continue to give you access to 2000 minutes of Github Actions. Github Actions, allow users to automate their workflow. From the Github platform, one can conceptualize, develop and deploy code. Users will also still receive 500 MB of storage.

Which features are different?

The two features which are an upgrade from the previous free account are unlimited collaborators and community support. In the past free accounts only enabled users to add three collaborators within a private repository. This allows for more efficiency on projects, especially where you have more than three collaborators.

What doesn't the Github core account include?

Whilst the core account offers users a variety of exciting features there are still some things which you will need to upgrade to use. Two such features are code owners and enterprise features. There is still good news if you need to have these features, as the monthly cost per user for code owners has been reduced by $5 to a measly $4. The Enterprise plan will run you $21 a user per month. Unlike the previous free account in days gone by, you will no longer receive any automated security updates.

Major GitHub Changes -- Teams Now Free, Prices Halved!

Google Presents AMP Results in Desktop Search Results

Google Presents AMP Results in Desktop Search Results

For a couple of days, you can observe that Google is testing AMP results in desktop SERPs. AMP pages were reserved only for mobile users until now, but it seems that Google is testing this option also on the desktop. They now link to the AMP version on desktop too. Let's find out what this change means to marketers and users.

How to Identify AMP Results

First, we should find out how you identify an AMP result. Every AMP page has a lighting bolt icon next to the result. When you make a query and see a result with a lighting bolt icon, it means that it is an AMP result. On the desktop version, we can notice that the images for AMP pages are very big and get all the attention. As they are shown now on the desktop version creates a huge discrepancy between AMP results and the other ones. For now, we discovered that you can see the AMP results when you are searching for celebrities, for example.

These results have great benefits for users. The pages load faster as it indicates the name, Accelerated Mobile Pages. It will first load faster the important features of your website, than the other ones. This improves user experience.

Until now, this feature was available only for mobile users. The marketers were taken by surprise when they discover that Google is testing it on the desktop too.

Marketers and AMP Pages

For marketers are a few downsides about this change in SERPs. The content of the website can be stripped down because it will not be shown as the original version of your website. The accent is put on the fast speed and this can lead to stripping your content for AMP pages.

Another disadvantage for marketers is that they can lose several branding elements. As we have mentioned before, an AMP page will not contain all the elements your website has. The content will be cut and in this context, you will end up losing several branding elements. This will affect your branding efforts. And when it happened only for mobile users was one thing, but when this stripped content is delivered to most of your users, both desktop, and mobile, the impact is bigger. You should reconsider the overall website design for appropriate branding on AMP pages.

How To Add AMP To WordPress - Accelerated Mobile Pages [2019]

Innovative Service: WP Curve

Innovative Service: WP Curve

What is WP Curve?

WP Curve offers the highest level of Word Press services for the lowest rates. They ensures that business owners are able to improve their site with the help of WP Curve. WP Curve ensures sites are able to improve their structure and fix small bugs in order to run optimally. This process is very important as many business owners do not have the time it takes to manually improve their website. This is where WP Curve comes into the picture. They help businesses to fix small jobs for websites in as little as 24 hours. WP Curve has a fast turn around time in order to ensure clients are happy and satisfied. This allows their clients to spend their free time enjoying the things they like to do instead of micromanaging their Word Press. This is one of the most important ways to ensure that each customer's site is properly managed and fixed when issues occur.

What are the Main Benefits of the WP Curve Service?

The main benefits of WP Curve include site hacking protection, brand boosting, conversation boosting, and increased web traffic. These are the main ways that the site can be advanced with the use of WP Curve. WP Curve ensures that users understand the best ways to grow their site and to eliminate the aspects that may be harming their business model. WP Curve offers the highest level of guaranteed services to their clients. It has been featured on many different platform such as Forbes, Fox News and INC. This has allowed WP Curve to acquire industry-leading experience that helps to form the bet services for clients. WP Curve actively manages and monitors clients sites.

Contract the Right WordPress Expert

Contract the Right WordPress Expert


The rundown beneath are confided in sources that we have assembled to help spare you time, cash, and dissatisfaction from managing crummy WordPress designers and experts. The vast majority procure a consultant for one of three reasons. They have space in their financial limit however insufficient time, they need somebody with a specific arrangement of aptitudes, they want to off-load a specific assignment. We direct customers to these sources beneath frequently.

GitHub Jobs

Try not to squander your time scrutinizing enormous employment loads like on Monster and Indeed. You'll have far superior karma with sites designed for tech contractors. GitHub has an enormous engineer network as it's one of the biggest open-source online stores for coders. For a moderately little charge, you can post a WordPress expert posting and get a lot of exposure on GitHub's tremendous network.


Toptal was designed for reaching technology talent and does a great job of matching clients with resources. Despite the fact that it has extended its pool of freelancers to incorporate fashioners and account specialists, the organization's meat and potatoes is its software development area. On the off chance that you need to make certain that a WordPress engineer is capable, contracting an excellent designer from Toptal is likely your best choice. They are like Codeable, however they additionally cover all development regions, not simply WordPress. Every specialist is painstakingly considered before being permitted into Toptal. New individuals are required to experience a standard meeting with a spotter, trailed by a coordinated algorithmic test. Toptal costs begin at $60 every hour, which can be a stretch for some budgets.

Stack Overflow

Stack Overflow has an online network that compares to GitHub. Apparently, it's irrefutably the biggest and most confided in network of designers on the web. Stack Overflow is regularly utilized as an asset for a wide range of designers, beginner to master, looking to become familiar with coding. Their activity board, as GitHub's, takes into account a mind blowing measure of introduction to devoted WordPress designers around the globe. This is for organizations and ventures genuine about finding the top ability. The expense for getting to their competitor search board begins at $2,499 (yearly installment).

WP Curve and its Purchase by Godaddy

Most small businesses have in the past years been faced with the problem of solving problems or completing its tasks. However, with the advent of WP curve, this problem has been greatly reduced. Most of these small businesses usually don’t have expertise or money to employ personnel to do tasks for them. They also have little trust in outsiders but WP curve helps to solve such problems. WP curve came into existence in the year 2013 and its initial owners are Alex McClafferty and Dan Norris who are both based in Australia.

WP Curve Review

It was founded with the intention of granting customers WordPress features that include backups, security, product designs, the growth of traffic, etc. In short, it does all the activities that improve and maintains the website or any business that transact through the internet. WP curve has the potential of doing your task perfectly to an extent that you feel like you are its boss. All you have to do is subscribe to its service at a fee of about $79.00 per month and you will be rest assured to enjoy its unlimited services.

Uncovering The Best WordPress Security Plugins


WordPress has a few security precautions set up, but this does not compare with what a trusted security plugin can do. WordPress sites are often targeted by hackers, so it always pays to take additional measures. The best WordPress security plugins provide the following things:

Monitors security actively
Scans files
Scans for malware
Monitors blacklist
Hardens security
Post hack measures
Installs firewalls
Protects against brute force attacks
Alerts if a security breach occurs

Google AMP on WordPress with the Automatic Plugin

Accelerate mobile pages are something you should setup on your WordPress site so you can serve mobile devices quick pages. The user experience will be better, users might stay longer, and your conversion rate could increase. Lets take a look at using the Automatic Google AMP plugin in WordPress.

Started by Twitter and Google, AMP is an open source standard designed to provide quicker download on mobile devices. Your content rich site probably loads too slow on a mobile device and might not look good either. With limited HTML and JavaScript, Google will cache your site on their AMP cache and deliver it directly to users.

Some positives include ranking higher in Google and a better user experience.

On negative is that limited amounts of HTML, CSS and JavaScript are available. Plugins that offer social sharing or email captures might not be available on the AMP pages. Other negatives are limited analytics integration, and advertising platforms.

With Google’s push to mobile first ranking, have an AMP site is a must.

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