
Captured Technology - Blog

The Shoemoney System – Don’t Sell Yourself Short

Shoemoney System

The Shoemoney System – Don’t Sell Yourself Short

There was a time not so long ago when people walked to market.  The market was often in the center of town and it drew people who needed goods and services to a place where other people offered goods and services.   Markets varied in size, but even in the larger towns potential customers could find potential sellers with the aid of a few signs.  Cobblers often displayed a picture of shoe while hat-makers had a sign showing a hat.

Great Testimonial from Shiela Crawford - Dayton Ohio

Another Shoemoney System Testimonial

Anik Singal Has Released a New Traffic Video

Anik Singal

Anik Singal Has Released a New Traffic Video

Anik Singal has six tips on how to get free traffic to your blog or site. Overall he emphasizes hustle as the main means to accomplish what you want online as far as making money. His tips are affiliate, forums, blog commenting, article marketing, buying ads, and social media (Facebook and Twitter).

Jeff Johnson’s Traffic Voodoo Video is Worth Your Time

traffic voodoo video

Jeff Johnson’s Traffic Voodoo Video is Worth Your Time

I have been getting a lot of affiliate guru product launch emails as of late and many of the products or the initial videos aren’t all that good. Some are outrageous and some are funny but only a few have new ideals and new tools to improve an affiliate’s business. I just came across Jeff Johnson’s Traffic Voodoo yesterday after an email from Amish Shah. And this video is great in explaining what is needed to drive a lot of traffic to a money making website. It’s a 45 minute video, sit back and take some notes.

John Carlton’s Easy Writing System (Express)


John Carlton’s Easy Writing System (Express)

I got an email today from Shoemoney about a copywriting expert called John Carlton. He’s a big name in the field according to Jeremy. John has a new program coming out called the Easy Writing System and according to the email, his material will help anyone writer great sales copy and sell all kinds of things online. And the really good news is that there is an Express program offered for free this week leading up to the release of the full program. Take a look here.

MobiBlueprint – Mobile Marketing Product


MobiBlueprint – Mobile Marketing Product

I recently received some information and a link to a free webinar on mobile (cell phone) marketing from the creators of MobiBlueprint. The creators of this webinar and informational course started in affiliate marketing in 1997 and worked hard to create their businesses. After missing a number of opportunities, Gauher Chaudhry finally started earning great money with CPA marketing in 2005. He is the creator of a number of courses including Pay Per View Formula (2007). Shortly after releasing PPV Formula, Gauher began work on this latest course about mobile marketing.

Online Marketing

Home Income Profit System


Having more money to do the fun things in life as well as working at something you love is the American dream.  Individuals all over the country dread going to work every day and constantly scour the web for some type of opportunity to get them out of their ruts.  Finally there is a system that surpasses all the scams and empty promises on the web.  It gives you a detailed road map on just how to begin making the income you have always dreamed of online from the comfort of your home or anywhere else you choose to work from. 

Microsoft Windows August Security Update

 Windows 7

Microsoft has released a new Security Update, fixing some critical vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer, Windows, MS Word, and various other programs.  The new update is touted as a record-setting package, claiming the most fixes ever released on one day, a part of Patch Tuesdays by Microsoft.  This major update introduces 14 patches that address 34 distinct vulnerabilities, four of which are extremely critical in nature. is Lacking in Important Ways is Lacking in Important Ways

I have been using both and SponsoredTweets for some time to monetize Twitter, they are like the new paid posts. If you remember when John Chow taught everyone to sponsor posts on their sites until Google determined this was bad and punished every site that had paid posts. But this time Google doesn’t matter and Twitter is allowing the practice of paid tweets. The big two companies in this advertising area are and SponsoredTweets. If you are not signed up, you should. As long as you do not have issue with promoting products to your Twitter followers.

General Business

Microsoft Test Bounties

Internt Explorer Bugs

Creating software is no easy task but testing it and finding all the bugs is even more difficult. Many companies, including Mozilla and Google are willing to offer up to $3,000 as a bounty to anybody who brings a serious security issue with their browsers to their attention. The same cannot be said if you find a bug hidden in Internet Explorer.

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