5 Time Saving Services for Businesses 5 Time Saving Services for Businesses In order for businesses to maintain an edge and focus on important tasks they may need to look for alternative time saving services. Here are five such services: Conference calls It can be very time consuming travelling to meetings, presentations and conferences in different locations. Using a conference call service can be very productive in terms of time and costs. These services offer businesses the opportunity to hold meetings and conferences with delegates, both internally and from anywhere in the world, over the phone. All parties, wherever they are in the world, phone in to a designated number at a given time, enter a PIN number and the conference begins. Conference calls can be used to give presentations to delegates in different locations. The presentation would be shown online while the participants are able to hear the audio discussing the details. Using conference calls helps businesses to work together in a time and cost effective manner. Patrick Stevens Call management servicesConference callsmaintain an edgeOutsourcingRecruitment servicesSocial network sites 2010-11-17 260 3
Internet and Broadcasting – A Marriage Made in Heaven Internet and Broadcasting – A Marriage Made in Heaven It was only a matter of time before the TV Age coupled successfully with the Computer Age, the result being webcasting or web conferencing. And although these newlyweds haven’t had a history of problem-free wedded bliss, this marriage appears to have what it takes to last the duration. AT&T first tried to get these two together back in the turbulent ‘60s; the corporate body effort encountered too many glitches as well as a disinterested public; however, starting in 1998, the web conference with simultaneous webcasting came into its own - its economical, reliable, readily-available own. Patrick Stevens Broadcastinginternetweb conferencing 2010-11-11 266 8
PHP Image Sitemap and Wordpress RSS Feed Advance PHP Image Sitemap and Wordpress RSS Feed Advance I discovered two very nice additions to any Wordpress site this week, a PHP Image Sitemap and a plugin called Advance Excerpt. The PHP Image Sitemap was developed by Eric Nagel who hosts the Pod Cast ‘Two Sides of the Track’ on GeekCast.fm. The code is presented on this page, and following the instructions is easy and quickly accomplished. By creating a file in the root of any Wordpress website, pasting the code into the file, and submitting the file location to Google, you can have your images indexed by Google. Patrick Stevens advance excerptimage sitemapphpRSS feedwordpress 2010-11-02 498 6
Online MarketingWeb Development Paul Ponna Webinar – Guru Product Launches Paul Ponna Webinar – Guru Product Launches I came across a pretty good webinar from Paul Ponna this past week were he discusses an online marketing plan utilizing guru product launches and web sites. The webinar was hosted by John Jonas and appears on his website here. The concept promises massive free traffic, hundreds of quality backlinks, massive affiliate commissions, and a profitable mailing list. Paul Ponna is an expert in ClickBank and Information Product marketing online. Half way through the presentation the discussion switches to a product that Paul offers, but the first 30 minutes is very good. I am not an affiliate for the products. Patrick Stevens John JonasJVNotifyPro.compaul ponnaPaula Ponnaquality backlinks 2010-10-20 422 8
MailChimp.com Offers Free eMail Marketing Accounts MailChimp.com Offers Free eMail Marketing Accounts If you are involved in affiliate marketing, then creating a email list of website members has become one of the most popular ways to sell products and promote new programs that become available within the niche of your site. Many suggest using a paid option such as AWeber, GetRepoonse, or Constant Contact. But after seeing different popular services in WebSite Magazine, I selected the free service from MailChimp.com. Patrick Stevens AutoChimpAWeberConstant Contactfree servicesGetRepoonseMailChimpwordpress 2010-10-11 406 12
Free Report from IM Leadership 2.0 Free Report from IM Leadership 2.0 IM Leadership opened and closed a couple of months back but I still wanted to review some of the material that was presented before the class closed to new registration. From the link here, you are able to download a free report on local search without Google. Google seems to be the main player in every online field but Howie Schwartz of IM Leadership has prepared this 42 page report to point out some of the Local Search sites outside of Google that you can use to pull traffic to your local websites and generate leads for your local customers. Patrick Stevens Free Reporthowie schwartzIM Leadership 2.0local searchtraffic 2010-10-07 208 12
Niche Profit Classroom 3.0 MoneyWord Matrix Niche Profit Classroom 3.0 MoneyWord Matrix Adam Short and the Niche Profit Classroom Team are currently offering a trial period for their program at an incredible price of $1.00. Nice chance for anyone looking to create profitable niche sites that remain high in the search rankings while earning money with no out of pocket expensive after the initial development and marketing. Take a look at the course HERE. Patrick Stevens moneyword matrixniche profit classroomprofitable niche sitestrial period 2010-10-06 246 5
HelloTxt, Ping.Fm and PixelPipe HelloTxt, Ping.Fm and PixelPipe If you are looking for some nice bookmarking services, I would suggest that you take a look at HelloTxt, Ping.fm and PixelPipe. I used to exclusively use Onlywire but after many issues and a recent change to a paid service model, I have switched to these three completely free services. Patrick Stevens HelloTxtOnlywirePing.fmPixelPipe 2010-10-01 125 6
Traffic VooDoo, a Terrific Way to Make Money Online Traffic VooDoo, a Terrific Way to Make Money Online Have you ever wondered how some websites suddenly achieve huge success? Rumors go back and forth trying to find the magic behind it and yes, you can now become an expert traffic magician using an incredibly effective system. Far from being an occult science, Traffic VooDoo is a kick-ass proven system that anyone who is willing to drive free traffic can implement with easiness and, best of all, avoiding Google penalties, the most feared setback in a webmaster's road to success. Patrick Stevens 2.0facebookfree website traffictrafficTraffic VooDooTwitteryoutube 2010-09-29 131 6
Elite Retreat Registration Opens Elite Retreat Registration Opens The founder of ShoeMoney Media, Jeremy Shoemaker is beginning to take new registrations for the next edition of Elite Retreat. The Elite Retreat is drastically different from usual conferences. Here the registered attendees can interact conveniently with several industry experts for 48 hours and discusses strategic plans about the ways to fulfill specific goals. Patrick Stevens 20102011Elite RetreatJeremy Shoemakerjohn carltonshoemoney 2010-09-29 182 9