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Binding a DataSet to a DataGrid in ASP.Net

Binding a DataSet to a DataGrid in ASP.Net

I am in the process of enhancing the functionality of an ASP.Net application that I inherited and today I needed to display a grid of related data below an entry form on a page. Some of the functionality was present on a different page following the style the original programmer implemented. A database function to return a Datasource did not exist within the data class so that was my first step. I found this great code below showing the basic syntax of binding a dataset to a datagrid in ASP.Net which was helpful.

SQL Server Grep Function for Keyword Code Searching

SQL Server Grep Function for Keyword Code Searching

Back in the days when I was working with Sybase there was a function I found and used often to search for keywords in database code areas called sp_grep. You could pass a keyword to the stored procedure and it would return all objects that contained code with the keyword present.

This week I had the need to run Grep on a SQL Server database that we have taken over the maintenance of. I found this very useful stored procedure called sp_search_code by Narayana Vyas Kondreddi that performed the needed search.

Turning On/Off APS.Net Client Side Validation

Turning On/Off APS.Net Client Side Validation

Javascript has a built in function, ValidatorEnable, to turn on or turn off client validation so you can validate certain controls under only certain conditions. The code attached shows how to limit the validation on a textbox depending on value of a dropdown list. The code also only displays the textbox when the same condition is true.

Add Hyperlinks to an ASP.Net BulletList

Add Hyperlinks to an ASP.Net BulletList

I had the need to add hyperlinks to an server bulletlist today and found some very good examples online including the following example. This example defines a datasetdatasource as an xml file and them loads the values of the xml file into the bulletlist with hyperlinks included. Easy implementation and clear separation of the control and the data to be displayed by the control.

BizSpark from Microsoft


BizSpark from Microsoft

If you are starting an online software development company or considering starting one, Microsoft has developed a program that will allow your small company to use their exceptional tools and grow quicker than otherwise possible. Through the companies Startup Zone at, you can participate in their BizSpark program for up to three years annually renewed.

Overwriting the NoFollow Tag with DoFollow

Overwriting the NoFollow Tag with DoFollow

DotNetNuke is the platform that 6 blogs are developed with that I am the administrator for. But the more I use Wordpress, the more I think I should convert them because of the great SEO and free plugin availability. With Wordpress there's a simple plugin that will change the default NoFollow rel tag on comments to DoFollow. This provides your readers the ability to gain links with Google and other search engines when they comment.

Reindexing SQL Server Tables

I had the need to reindex all the tables in a SQL Server 2005 database this week and found some very good scripts that loop through the list of user tables using a cursor and reindex each table to improve performance and reduce the size of the data file. In addition I used the dbcc command to shrink the database after the reindexing had completed. Below is the code used.

Darksma Trojan and Other Bugs

Darksma Trojan and Other Bugs

I recently found the Darksma Trojan and other similar viruses on one of my home computers and spent a number of weeks cleaning the system. I found three tools to be very helpful in removing these difficult to delete bugs; CA Yahoo! Anti-Spy, Malwarebytes, and ComboFix.

Export and ADO Recordset to Excel

Export and ADO Recordset to Excel

If you're in need to taking an ADO Recordset from an Access Database of a .Net Application and saving that data programmatically to an Excel file, the following procedure will do a very good job of completing the conversion.

By Steve Patterson

You can modify the SaveAs command towards the end of the function to save the file in a different location with a different name or you can add the value as a parameter to the subroutine. There is also a Visible flag near the end of the procedure which will show the Excel file after it is created. This would also be a very good value to pass into the subroutine.

Finding Good Video Content as Easy as Channel 9


Finding Good Video Content as Easy as Channel 9

I often go to the Central Ohio .Net Developers Group at a Microsoft Office here in Central Ohio. But when I am sometimes unable to go due to schedule I try to read the presenter's blog or find similar content online as to what I would have found at the meeting. is a great resource from Microsoft with video from Microsoft presenters and Microsoft employees on all topics Microsoft.

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