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Graph Search, A New Facebook Development

English: Mark Zuckerberg, founder Facebook, an...

English: Mark Zuckerberg, founder Facebook, and Jet Li in Davos, Switzerland, 2009 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Graph Search, A New Facebook Development

A new Facebook development has been announced. Graph Search is an innovated, internal search engine with clear-cut precision developed by the Facebook team. At an event held at Menlo Park campus, Mark Zuckerberg presented the three segments of Facebook which are the timeline, newsfeed and the most recent Graph Search.

Zuckerberg held this press release to disclose a new Facebook development to let everyone know what exciting changes are in store for Facebook. In an explanation of exactly what Graph Search is, Zuckerberg portrayed the new feature as an internal search engine that is different from a regular online search engine.

General BusinessWeb Development

Facebook Vs Pinterest: 5 Things We've Learned

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...

Image via CrunchBase

The team at are not only the purveyors of beautiful, independently designed jewelry and fashion accessories, but they are somewhat social media savvy, too. With more than 25,000 fans on Facebook and over 30,000 Twitter followers, Boticca has really taken the online fashion world by storm.

Boticca is also one of the first brands to team up with social gifting service, Drop Gifts, which enables users to send their friends and family vouchers for their favorite e-commerce sites via social media. Fantastic!

Social MediaWeb Development

Maximize Your Blog Traffic With Facebook

FaceBookTrafficYou can use Facebook to increase traffic to your blog. With a little effort and ingenuity, you can draw from almost a billion users to give your own website a healthy shot in the arm. Regardless of what you blog about, you can find potential readers and customers on Facebook and route them to your blog. When these visitors arrive, you can convert them into subscribers and paying customers. You have almost unlimited potential when you use Facebook to build your blog, but you need to do more than create a Facebook profile and page to make a difference. The following tips will help bloggers build traffic by leveraging Facebook.

General BusinessOnline Marketing

Facebook: Does it Really Help a Local Business?

People see or hear advertisements for deals and sales on television, billboards, posters, radio, among so many other advertising techniques. This is typical. But now, many are turning to Facebook and social media for advertising their local business, as well.

Why is it that using social media is suppose to be valuable to a local business marketing campaign? Some people say these networking sites won’t help gain leads or customers, so why bother?

Online MarketingWeb Development

5 Vital Tips for Facebook Advertising

Image representing Google AdWords as depicted ...

Image via CrunchBase

Facebook advertising is something that can really increase your subscriber signups, leads, orders and readership. As such, it is something that many businesses have embraced. This is even more important as Google Adwords has become more and more restrictive to companies who want to deal with paid online advertising.

If you are going to use Facebook advertising then there are some things that you can do to really ramp up your effectiveness:

General BusinessSocial Media

Quora – Everything That You Want To Know

SUN VALLEY, ID - JULY 06:  Adam D'Angelo, co-f...

Image by Getty Images via @daylife

Quora is the name of a questions and answers website that was founded in the year 2009 and launched in 2010. This is akin to an online encyclopedia of questions and answers which is uniquely maintained and updated by all those who use it. There are newer questions and their answers created as well as edited by those reading them. It is a constant process of enrichment of the site that is carried out by those who are reading or using it in the end. There are various topics for the questions here and subsequently you can answer them too. If there is another who reads the answer and feel they can update or correct the same the suggestions will be brought to you by their comments.

Online MarketingSocial Media

Privacy Control Setting for LinkedIn You Need to Understand

This is icon for social networking website. Th...

Image via Wikipedia

Setting your LinkedIn privacy controls when you use LinkedIn for networking and marketing is quite important. It is common for social members to skip the privacy settings as they begin to establish their online social presence especially when they are promoting a business through LinkedIn. But there are things that you do not want everyone to see as you make updates to your LinkedIn profile.

General BusinessOnline Marketing

Use Twiends to Grow your Social Network

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...

Image via CrunchBase

It has been proven that social networks are a successful medium for professional as well as for recreational use. Sites like Twitter and Facebook are increasingly becoming more popular over the past few years and seem to be influencing our way of communication with the addition of nouns like “tweet” and allowing us to use the word friend as a verb besides using it as a noun.
But it is not easy to build a social network. It is not like logging on, typing a short message about some breakfast cereal and then getting instant micro blogging success. It requires lot of hard work and patience in order to build a good social network.

General BusinessSocial Media

The Top 5 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make on Facebook and How You Can Avoid Them

Facebook MistakesMarketing your business on Facebook can be extremely rewarding and a great way to build your audience and attract new customers. It can also be a bit overwhelming if you aren’t quite sure what you should be doing, and it’s easy to make a lot of mistakes while trying to figure it out.

But the good news is that many entrepreneurs have already made those same mistakes, and you can learn from them and be able to avoid making these common blunders. Let’s look at the top 5 mistakes and how you can avoid them. This will help you to move forward faster and build your Facebook presence quickly and in a way that attracts your ideal customers.

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